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Born in Sweden (1959), lives and works in Halmstad, Sweden
Fria Målarskolan Halmstad, 1978-1981
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, Copenhagen, 1983-1988
ericsson (at) trumtrum.se
0046 (0)70 7304631
Mikael Ericsson works with various forms of artistic expressions such as drawing, animation, painting, sculpture, performance, video, sound and television. Since the early 80-ties he has exhibited regularly in Sweden and Europe. In the recent years Ericsson has created a series of large-scale sound and video installations using animation, florescent light and moving projectors.
Since 2010 he works as Chief of Artistic Operation at Harp Art Lab - a laboratory for sound art based in Harplinge windmill on the Swedish west coast. The Lab is a platform for developing, innovative, interdisciplinary ideas and works with artists and communities of interest to create performances and installations. See: http://www.harpartlab.se
Owner of
TrumTrum AB - a production company that have produced a numerous amount of fine art and underground entertainment since 1994 such as: Music für alle, Film für alle, TV für alle, Kalender für alle, Balett für alle, Music für allum Twice, Radio Balett für alle, Beställningsverk für alle, Helaftonsoperan Hockeyorgeln and Laholms Ljudpark.
In 2013 Ericsson directed "Bank Für Alle" for Sveriges Television - a TV serie in 6 episodes described as an "Economical, Political, Conspiracy Comedy".
2023 - Video, Sculpture, Drawings, Konsthallen Hishult
2023 - Light Painting, Permanent Light Installation, Kulturhuset Fyren, Kungsbacka
2020-24 - Field Recordings, Sound Project, Sweden, USA, Russia, Japan
2019 - Luminous Operating System, Permanent Video Installation, Hallands Konstmuseum, Sweden
2017 - Conversation with Trash, Video Installation, Tall Ships Races, Halmstad
2017 - Conversation with Trash, Koncert Kirken, Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 - Snigelofon, Public Sound Art, Halmstad, Sweden
2015 - Skulptur, Halmstads Konsthall, Sweden
2015 - Mugshots, Public work, Katrinebergs Folkhögskola, Sweden
2014 - Supermarket Independent Art Fair, Video Installation, Stockholm, Sweden
2014 - Jönköpings Länsmuseum, Video Installation, Sweden
2013 - Mission Accomplished, Video Installation, Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden
2012 - Kvarnofon, Site Specific Sound installation, Harp Art Lab, Harplinge Windmill, Sweden
2012 - The Ant Nebula, Video Installation, Avesta Art, Sweden
2011 - Granen Klädd av Sina Ungkarlar, till och med, Video Installation, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
2011 - Notes From The Twin Chamber, Video Installation, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norway
2010 - Underground Operation, Video Installation, Varberg Fortress, Varberg, Sweden
2009 - Dark Honeymoon, Video Installation, Eskilstuna Museum of Art, Sweden
2009 - Dark Honeymoon, Video Installation, Teckningsmuseet i Laholm, Sweden
2008 - Tecknat Motstånd, Video Installation, Inkonst, Malmö, Sweden
2008 - The Room Was Empty Apart From A Shelf On The Wall, Video Installation, Malmö Art Museum, Sweden
2007 - The Room Was Empty Apart From A Shelf On The Wall, Video Installation, Halmstad Konsthall, Sweden
2005 - Galleri PS, Gothenburg
2004 - HA!, Video Installation, Mjellby Konstmuseum, Sweden
2004 - The Sound Of Fresh Water Fishes, Outdoor Sound Installation, Trollhättans Konsthall, Sweden
1999 - An Indefinte Point In Cartesian Space, Web Project
1998 - Laholms Ljudpark, Outdoor Sound Installation, Karsefors, Sweden
1998 - Lowend, Sound Installation, Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden
1996 - X-rayed Elk, Installation, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden
1993 - Roadhouse Sweden, Installation, KM 2, Malmö Art Museum, Sweden
1993 - Roadhouse Sweden, Installation, Museet i Halmstad, Sweden
1993 - Galleri Bengt Adlers, Malmö, Sweden
1992 - Höghusteorin, Installation, Galleri Ariana, Sollentuna, Sweden
1992 - Höghusteorin, Installation, Galleri Thornvall, Stockholm, Sweden
1991 - Galleri 29, Växjö, Sweden
1991 - Statyett Nittiett, Installation, Hårlemans Hall, Malmö, Sweden
1990 - Forum. Düsseldorf, Germany
1990 - Galleri Bengt Adlers, Malmö, Sweden
1989 - Stockholm Art Fair, Sollentuna, Sweden
1988 - Doktor Glas, Stockholm, Sweden
1987 - Galleri Bernhardsson, Malmö, Sweden
1986 - Galleri A-Gruppen, Copenhagen, Denmark
1984 - Skånska Konstmuseum, Pictura, Lund, Sweden
1984 - Galleri Elva, Stockholm, Sweden
1982 - Serafen, Stockholm, Sweden
2023 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2022-23 - Borås Bright Art, Borås Konstmuseum, VideoInstallations
2022 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2021 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2020 - Bzzz! DIGITAL, Kaliningrad, Russia
2019 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2019 - AI (Artificiell Idioti, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2018 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2017 - (X)sites Kattegattsleden, Outdoor Sound Installation, Gullbranna Observatorium, Sweden
2017 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2017 - Sound of Sörmland, Outdoor Sound Installation, Strängnes, Sweden
2017 - Beckers Konstnärsstipendium 30 år, Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2016 - Sound at Nissan / Ljud vid Nissan, Outdoor Sound Installation, Halmstad
2015 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2015 - Reverberations/Efterklang, Video Installation, Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg, Sweden
2014 - Bzzz! International Sound Art Festival, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2014 - KK International Sound Art Festival, Koncert Kirken, Copenhagen, Denmark
2013 - In The Kingdom of Harplinge, Harp Art Lab, Sweden
2011 - Kalender für Alle!, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
2009 - Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, Sweden
2006 - Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 - Konstrea, Liljevalchs, Stockholm, Sweden
2004 - Overgaden Sound Art Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
2002 - Sculptura 02, Outdoor Sound Installation, Falkenberg, Sweden
2002 - Nordic Video Art, Röda Sten, Video Installation, Gothenburg, Sweden
2000 - Time Document, Outdoor Video Installation, Gothenburg, Sweden
2000 - Exhibition für alle, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
1998 - Magic Carpet, Sound Installation, Malmö Konstmusum, Malmö, Sweden
1997 - Stenminne, Breanäs, Sweden
1996 - Till Filmen, Video Installation, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Gothenburg, Sweden
1995 - Expeditions, Video Installation, Kap Ancona, Rügen, Germany
1995 - Tidsvåg Noll, Video Installation, Gothenburg, Sweden
1994 - 2003 - The Für Alle Project, Sweden
1993 - Sweden Center, Tokyo, Japan
1990 - Deutche Messe, Hannover, Germany
1989 - On Dit, Heland Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
1988 - Art Frankfurt, Germany
1988 - CAMP, Galleri Overgaden, Copenhagen, Denmark
1987 - SYDNYTT, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden
1987 - SUB BAU, Video Installation, Gothenburg, Sweden
1986 - Galleri TV, Video Installation, Malmö, Sweden
1986 - Galleri Rotor, Gothenburg, Sweden
1985 - Video/Art/Video, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
1985 - International Artvideo Exhibition, Galleri Rotor, Gothenburg, Sweden
1985 - 2:a Internationella Super-8 Festivalen, Lund, Sweden
1984 - Videokonst, Kulturhuset, Stockhom, Sweden
1984 - Falling Annual Livingroom Video Festspiel, Copenhagen, Denmark
2023 - Light Painting, Permanent Light Installation, Kulturhuset Fyren, Kungsbacka
2019 - Luminous Operating System, Permanent Video Installation, Hallands Konstmuseum, Sweden
2016 - Snigelofon, Public Sound Art, Halmstad, Sweden
2015 - Mugshots, Katrinebergs Forlkhögskola, Vessigebro, Sweden
2012 - Kvarnofoni, Site Specific Sound installation, Harp Art Lab
2011 - Snigelofon, The city hall, Halmstad Municipal, Sweden
2008 - Walldrawing, Carnegie Investment Group, Gothenburg, Sweden
2008 - Dagbok, Stadsbiblioteket, Halmstad, Sweden
2005 - Prishylla, Gullbrandstorp, Sweden
2005 - En historia skriven i handen, Hotel Tylösand, Sweden
2001 - Målning med två öron, Länsjukhuset, Halmstad, Sweden
1994 - Utsocknes, Instabilitet, UFO, Högskolan Halmstad, Sweden
2018 - Kulturrådet, Region Halland, AI (Artificiell Idioti)
2018 - Konstnärsnämnden - Målinriktat Arbetsstipendium
2016 - Kulturbryggan, Genomförandestöd, Ljud vid Nissan
2016 - Hallands Konstförenings resestipendium, Berlin
2013 - Stiftelsen Längmanska Kulturfonden, Projektstöd, Kvarnofoni 2013
2013 - Årets Leader Halland Projekt 2013, Harp Art Lab
2012 - Kulturbryggan, Genomförandestöd, Kvarnofoni 2012
2010 - Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur, Projektstöd Kvarnofoni 2011
2008 - Konstnärsnämnden - Målinriktat Arbetsstipendium
2006 - Hallands Konstförenings Projektstipendium
2005 - Konstnärsnämndens Projektstipendium
1997 - Konstnärsnämndens Projektstipendium
1995 - Landstinget Hallands Kulturstipendium
1993 - Konstnärsnämndens Arbetsstipendium
1993 - Hallandspostens Kulturstipendium
1988 - Beckers Konstnärsstipendium
1988 - Halmstad Kommuns Kulturstipendium
1988 - Hallands Konstförenings Stipendium
1982 - Halmstadgruppens Stipendium
2003 - Bank für alle, Teve-serie i 6 avsnitt, Sveriges Television
1996 - Kalender für alle, Teve-serie i 24 avsnitt, ZTV
1995 - TV für alle i 14 avsnitt, ZTV
2002 - Sensationellt Motstånd
2000 - Radiobalett Für Alle
1998 - Laholms Ljudpark
1997 - Music Für Allum Twice
1994 - Music Für Alle
2003 - Bank für alle
2002 - Film für alle (VHS 1994)
2000 - Balett Für Alle, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
Borås Konstmuseum, Malmö Konstmuseum, Moderna Museet, Östersunds Museum,
Statens Konstråd, Halllands Konstmuseum, Private Collections.