Crime Alert: Tabacman
The Tabacman singing the Brekkies-song for Gun |
THE CRIME Illegal scumwank on public places around the world, Copenhagen and Mars REMARKS Occupations: Dirty worker.
Eye Witness Reports #1: Jag såg Tabacmannen dricka old spice på Åhlens kosmetika avdelning i Karlstad. Under vänster hand hade han ansökningspapper till ett mcjobb i Östergötland. Henke This information no good. FBI/Rotorp Police Dep. Eye Witness Reports #2: Tabacmanen var skådad på Möllevångs torget i Malmö! (han köpte tonvis med tabac!) This information good. FBI/Rotorp Police Dep. Eye Witness Reports #3: Jag såg Tabacmannen på pressbyrån på Norrmalmstorg, han köpte en reseförpacning med raklödder av märket Gilette. //Linda Eye Witness Reports #4: Jag såg tabac mannen skum runka på Tylösands turist hotels dansgolv dj cat
Eye Witness Reports #5: jag såg honom på kungsgatan spelandes banjo, naken i en kundvagn tillsammans med manolito kan det ha varit samma person som fbi efterlyser? NO!Eye Witness Reports #6: Jag och en kompis såg den som vi tror kan ha varit Manolito stryka runt Eye Witness Reports #6: hej there sailor agents... jag was out, hanging and pigging around with olle hilding when he came up with the goodest idea to ride bussen to "unga forskare4s hvgtidssammankomst 2000". guessing our surpriced face when we saw the tabac man playing to be a kid with child body and outfit. so we took the camera and photoed him with. so here you have it, dear fbi. hope you will catching him today or in the morning. i4ll be sitting home and puzzling my arne hegerfors puzzle till you say it4s no danger outside my door. /HLG t ===== he's a scientist and he's rude and his articles are rejected and his theories rebuked :_..-._:..432.".the.nova.artwork.kingdom::_:_:#"_:2242_.-(=) :_:_-.:,.*:;,.-33&%&%#*;:;:
If you have any information concerning this case take no action
Contact the local police department or the nearest FBI Office.