Crime Alert: Milos Wogab



Milos Wogab as Dragan

DOB: Unknown
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 165 pounds
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Mixed

Milos Wogab


Unlawful Kidnapping of a known criminal and politician - Sperling von Glück.

Milos Wogab is being sought in connection with the December 1995 kidnapping of Sperling von Glück who was drugged down and brutaly beaten about the head and face with a blunt instrument and then put into a Anna-Greta Leijon box, smuggled to the hospital were he replaced minister Rut Holm who was badly injured and tortured by a motorcyclegang hired by Håkan Müller, a womenpriestopponent and owner to a private confirmationcamp in Norrland.

Eye Witness Report #1: Såg Dragan på Ok i Märsta.Han tankande sin taxibil och lyssnade på P1.

(or was it Milos?)

Eye Witness Report #2: Hey...jag har sett han....umm...taxichaffisen som var "Wanted by FBI"

Jag har sett han på TV ;) /Tommy


Alias: Dragan

Milos Wogab, who is considered a career criminal and master of assumed identities, specializes in the burglary of jewelry stores. He is reportedly allergic to Penicillin, loves dogs, is a flashy dresser, and a big tipper.
Scars or marks: Allegedly has a big pimpel in the face and right forearm.

Occupations: Taxidriver and Magican.

Nationality: Gipsy

Place of birth: Unknown

If you have any information concerning this case take no action yourself.
Contact the local police department or the nearest FBI Office.

Additional Pictures
Milos disguised as Milos

Dragan on Nissan

Eye Witness Report #3:

En man som är misstänkt lik mannen på bilden sågs i förrgårkväll 18:43:22 vid kupolenrondellen i

Borlänge i en gul skoda-63 med diverse lampor på, och en släpvagn med en Anna-Greta Leionlåda på.

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